Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Welcome to the Inspired Electronics Blog! Being that this is the inaugural post of Inspired Electronics, I feel that an introduction is in order.

A little about myself... My name is Keith and I work as an installer for a Home Electronics sales and installation company appropriately dubbed, Inspired Electronics, Inc. (Thus the name of the blog.)

In my past professional life I spent seven years working for a large hardware store, beginning in high school and then to put myself through college. One of those years, the last of which, I played the role of a department manager.

I learned an incredible amount about home improvement in those seven years, adding to an upbringing at the hands of two handymen, my Father and Grandfather, I've become very comfortable around the home improvement scene.

However, growing tired of the big-store retail life, I decided to jump head first into a profession which I truly have a passion for; Home Electronics!

Enter Inspired Electronics, Inc. The owner, Rob Schultz and I are building our dream company so to speak. We love Home Electronics, and quite frankly I can't imagine a more entertaining way to make a living.

So, we have our business... So why the blog you ask?

Well, the thing about having a passion for what you do is that you want to share it with everyone. I love to teach others about what I do for a living, and I love to learn from others. The Inspired Electronics Blog is, I think, a great way to do just that.

This board is for everyone. If you find yourself searching through the Sunday ads to see whats new in the electronics world... if you read so deep into the press releases that you hear about products far before they're on the shelves... if you stare at your Home Theater and wonder what changes you'll make next... if you just plain old love shiny, blinking, loud and cool new stuff...

This blog is for you. Welcome.


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