Thursday, November 15, 2007

Keith Rose achieves HAA certification!

A couple of weeks ago, I reported that Keith received his ISF (Imaging Science Foundation) certification for video calibration. Now, I'm pleased to announce that Keith has also received his HAA (Home Acoustic Alliance) certification for audio calibration.

Our certifications, combined with our experience and professional tools allow us to help you get the very best out of your home theater system. While video calibration lets us get the most out of your display by setting the brightness, contrast, color balance, etc. exactly for your room and lighting conditions, audio calibration lets us set the bass and treble levels, find and fix any "hot spots" or "dead spots" in the listening areas, and ensure sound that's as clear and precise as your system can be.

Call Keith today at 847.471.4420 to schedule a full home theater calibration - you'll notice the difference immediately!

Thanks -

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