Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Service and warranties

Warranties and service. Although issues don't happen very often, when they do come up, we believe it's paramount to resolve them immediately.

We've had a number of calls lately from clients who were unhappy with their current custom installation company. One company left the client without a working TV for 4 months! The TV had some warranty issues, and had been worked on several times over the intervening 4 month period, but still - 4 months is a long time for a new piece of electronics to not be working.

In contrast, we had a warranty issue with one of the systems we installed a few weeks ago. I personally called the manufacturer and arranged for the warranty repair. When the repair tech determined the TV could not be fixed, I handled the return directly. We swapped out the old TV for a new one as soon as the client could arrange time, and the swap-out process took less than an hour. Oh, and we also calibrated the new TV as part of the warranty service!

Even if you didn't buy your system from us, we'll be happy to work with you and the manufacturers of your equipment to ensure the fastest and easiest fixes and upgrades to your system. Let us do the worrying for you!

Our goal is to make your electronics experience as easy as possible. This cuts across all parts of our business, from our proposals, to installation and programming, to service and warranty.

Most of the equipment we sell and install works perfectly for many years. Occassionally, though, something goes wrong. Don't you deserve the best possible worry-free service available?

Thanks -

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